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Tractor Presents: Swami John Reis w/ Dumb Thumbs


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Tractor Presents: Swami John Reisw/ Dumb ThumbsFri April 4thDoors 8:3021+$22adv/$25doshttps://www.instagram.com/swami_john_reis/Since the early 90s, John Reis has been one of the busiest and most influential figures on the San Diego punk/indie rock scene as a founding member of the bands Rocket From The Crypt, Drive Like Jehu, Hot Snakes and PLOSIVS as well as running the indie label Swami Records and producing albums for the likes of Superchunk, Swingin Neckbreakers and Selby Tigers. The common thread in Reis many projects is a love of the power of aggressive, straightforward rock s Modern Surk Classics and added some pop touches on 2022s Ride The Wild Night, though they also boasted the energy and melodic punch that always comes with his work. Another project, Swami and the Bed of Nails, debuted their fusion of punk, pop, and garage influences on 2024s All of This Awaits You. https://dumbthumbs.bandcamp.com/

Please Note: This event is 21 and over. Any ticket holder unable to present valid identification indicating that they are at least 21 years of age will not be admitted to this event, and will not be eligible for a refund.

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